Saturday, April 24, 2010

Makeup Tutorial for Beautiful Eyes and Nude Lip

Friday, April 23, 2010

Your First Make-up Brushes: A Girls Dream Tools!!


So you feel like you are ready for make-up brushes, but you keep hearing about MAC brushes and all these numbers like "209 eyeliner brush", "228 mini shader brush", etc. So therefore, you are intimidated and overwhelmed!!

But don't be afraid, I am here to help you figure out what the five, yes only five basic brushes you need for a brush starter kit.

I will give you a MAC option, and then an example of a less expensive version, that I believe does the job well for those of us on a budget.

1. Powder Brush:

MAC option, pay 34.00 and buy #129."All-purpose for blush or face powder. This brush is particularly good for blush application. The fibers are soft and form a full, rounded shape. M·A·C professional brushes are hand-sculpted and assembled using the finest quality materials. They feature wood handles and nickel-plated brass ferrules."

Ecotools Powder Brush, 7.99, Drugstores nationwide

2. Blush Brush:

If you prefer MAC, you can pay $32.50 and buy the #116. "Tapered for shading and highlighting cheeks and face with blush. The bristles on this brush are soft and form a full, rounded shape."

Maybelline Expert Tool Blush Brush, 3.99 at or drug stores nationwide.

3. Eyeshadow Blending Brush

MAC option, pay 22.50 and try the #217 or pay 28.00 and try the #224, #217- "For shading or blending of colour or creamy products. This brush has fine, densely packed fibers that are arranged in an oval shape."

#217- "For controlled eye shadow application. This brush has soft fibers which taper to form a medium size dome shape."

Maybelline Expert Tools Eye Shadow Brush, 3.99,, drugstores nationwide

4. Eyeshadow Liner Brush

MAC option, pay 23.00 and try #219, "For precision shading on lid, in eye crease or along lash line. The soft, smooth fibers of this brush are gathered into a pencil-shaped tip. It is ideal for blending eyeliner into eye shadow to create a smoky looking eye."

Professionnel Angled Liner/Eyeliner Brush #15. 16.00, this brush defines your lids with a thin line of color.

5. Eyebrow Brush

Sephora Platinum lash and Eyebrow Brush #21, 10.00, This tool brushes, grooms, and separates lashes and eyebrows.

EcoTool-1205 Bamboo Lash& Brow Groomer, 5.95, Drugstores

Now as you build your fun beauty products, you can get a lash brush, a Kabuki brush, contouring brushes, angled brushes and etc.

Love, Lydia

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pretty Prom Face (Coral n Salmon Shades)

Strong eyes that can be paired with just gloss or with a neutral matte lip: I used HIP eye shadows (Playful and Sassy) over "Blend n' Glow" Bonnebell base cream powder, then finished off with black eyeliner and lengthening black mascara on top and lower lashes.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Make-up ideas for teens

My Enhanced Beauty Tips for Teenage girls new to make-up or self-acclaimed experienced:

1. Make sure you start by taking care of your skin, cleanse and moisturize daily. I believe it is very important that you cleanse your face at night and wash away all that daily dirt and crime!!

2. If using foundation, make sure you go for natural foundation. I recommend tinted moisturizers for teenagers, if you have discoloration you want to hide you can use some spot concealers. But no cakey foundation all over your face, it is not necessary. I am 27 and I don't even use all that foundation on my face.

3. Instead of foundation, you can give yourself a glow by just using blush and bronzers. Just a little, not heavy because we don't want you looking like a clown!!

4. Save the drama and funky colors for the eyes. I heart eyeshadow, any kind, so don't be afraid. You can use dark colors, light colors, glitter or just shimmer.

5. Finally the lips, I personally prefer, lip gloss or tinted lip balm for teenagers. But if you want to try lipstick for special occasion, I would say use a moisturizing shine lipstick in a fun flirty color, or nude shade. Save the red and burgundy for the past generation. I love bonnebell( and lipsmackers ( both of which you can find at your local drug store for under five dollars.

* Please note, that if you want eyebrows I suggest that you go with your natural brow shape. Lightly getting rid of stray hairs can be done, but no dramatic eyebro shaping. Also, very light on the mascara and I would prefer a clear or brown shade with a more natural look for young teens.

So I hope this was useful. Thanks for reading!!!


Making up the inside and out

I believe that self confidence is very important for early adolescent and teenage girls to build. Webster defines "Self-Confidence" as :confidence in one's powers and abilities". Building self-confidence is very important for female teenagers to build by most important working on the inside, but also caring enough about themselves to work on the outside.

Tips on grooming, hygiene and even beauty cosmetics are fun ways that teenagers can display confidence in themselves on the outside. From years of watching "What Not To Wear" on TLC I have heard people say, "if only I knew I could look this good". I want to inspire young girls to discover their inner and outer fabulous and realize that they all can look and feel as good as they want to and nobody can take away the power they can have to love and care about themselves.

So therefore, please stay tuned as I channel my love of educating and instilling confidence in pre-teen and teenage girls as well as make-up into something rewarding.

As a woman, we must realize that everyone of us is beautiful, make-up just enhances your beautiful characteristics!